Client: San Bernardino International Airport Authority

Construction of a new 8-acre facility for the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Aviation Division consisting of an 11,647 SF one-story administration building with training facilities; a 27,874 SF maintenance hangar and 22,998 SF storage hangar, 2 parking lots, a tarmac with 7 helicopter pads, and aircraft tie down areas. The facility is equipped with a foam fire suppression system and a fire sprinkler system that includes 4 foam bladder tanks, a fire pump, and 2 underground storage tanks. The scope of work included the offices for ranking individuals, training rooms, a fitness room, locker/shower rooms, stations for deputies, 2 Hangar buildings – maintenance and storage with 120′ wide / 28′ tall parting hangar doors. The site work included public and restricted parking areas, emergency vehicle parking, aviation obstruction lighting on fencing and buildings, a utility/equipment yard, and a remote operated rolling gate at the tarmac which can be controlled from aircraft.