Welcome to Erickson-Hall’s Subcontractor Portal. This section of our site is built to provide quick and easy access to important resources for our subcontractor partners. Here, you’ll find information on prequalification, current bid opportunities, and the forms you’ll need to keep your projects moving smoothly.
Scope of work to include: Partial demolition of existing structure and site elements between BLDG 500 and existing playing field. Renovation of BLDG 500 including building envelope and structural updates. Renovation/modernization includes structural, civil, landscape, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, fire alarm, fire sprinkler, AV, and technology upgrades. Site work includes construction of a new plaza outside BLDG 500. • This project requires prequalification, due by EOD (3/25/25), for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing subcontractors HOLDING C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 and C-46 licenses. https://www.smmusd.org/domain/4172 . |
Job Specific Information: | This project requires Prevailing Wage, Skilled & Trained Workforce This project requires Prequalification, due by EOD (3/25/25), for HOLDING C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 and C-46 licenses. Prequalification application available https://www.smmusd.org/domain/4172 . |
Location: | 1501 California Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90403 |
Type: | Lease-Leaseback |
Bid Date: | 4/8/2025 @ 2:00 PM |
Job Walk: | 3/14/2025 @ 7:00 AM (non-mandatory) |
Prequalification Due: | 3/25/2025 |
Prequalification Link: | Quality Bidders |
RFI Deadline: | 3/14/2025 |
Contact: | Emiliano Springer |
Email: | espringer@ericksonhall.com |
To Obtain Bid Docs: | planroom@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Submission: | bids@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Documents: | Bid Documents can be obtained from visiting our BuildingConnected Portal or by contacting planroom@ericksonhall.com. Please submit all bids via BuildingConnected and by emailing them to bids@ericksonhall.com. BuildingConnected |
Erickson-Hall Construction Company would like to invite you to participate in the bidding process for this construction project by utilizing our Construction Project Management Software, “Procore.”
Project Overview: Erickson Hall is the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER for this TVUSD Project at Temecula Elementary School. This project will be awarded to a SINGLE PRIME CONTRACTOR. Contractor MUST be prequalified with TVUSD. If not already prequalified, apply via PQ BIDS at https://pqbids.com/temeculavalley-usd/ This project consists of: Grading & infilling old pool (which was already demolished) Relocating the Headstart portable building to new location (3 floor building), including foundations New shade sail & Columns New curbs, gutters, hardscape Playground stripping Artificial Turf New chain link and ornamental fencing New UG utilities (including new plumbing and elect/LV to portable & new storm drain) New paving for added bus loop and parking stalls Modified drive approach (requires City encroachment permit) New irrigation and landscaping Replacement Door Hardware on Existing doors Above list is not 100% inclusive, but these are the highlights. All Site/Building demolition has already been completed. |
Type: | CM/GC |
Bid Date: | 4/10/2025 @ 2:00 PM |
Addendum: | Addendum 02 Released 3/27/2025 |
Addendum: | Addendum 01 Released 3/26/2025 |
Job Walk: | 4/1/2025 @ 11:00 AM, Non-Mandatory. Meeting point is NOT at front of school. All attendees are to meet at 29119 Margarita Rd (parking lot of city park adjacent to preschool building) |
RFI Deadline: | 4/4/2025 @ 2:00 PM to Trish Horton, thorton@ericksonhall.com |
Contact: | Trish Horton |
Email: | thorton@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Documents: | Bid Documents: The District wishes to use PQBIDS for all bidding documents and for submission of bids. Any interested bidders will need to visit the PQBIDS website at https://pqbids.com/bid-advertisements-table/ and choose the Temecula Elementary School Increment 1 project from the list. This will allow you access to the Bidding Documents. PQBIDS |
Bid Submission: | The District wishes to use PQBIDS for all bidding documents and for submission of bids. Any interested bidders will need to visit the PQBIDS website at https://pqbids.com/bid-advertisements-table/ and choose the Temecula Elementary School Increment 1 project from the list. This will allow you access to the Bidding Documents. If you do not already have an account with PQBIDs, you will be prompted to create one (free) before downloading files. All bids submitted will need to be entered into PQ BIDs, and all the required bid forms are to be uploaded with the submission. The bids will be "opened" on April 10, 2025 at 2pm. This bid opening will be live streamed. The link to the viewing of the opening can be found in the project information on PQ BIDs. This project will be using one single General Contractor bid package therefore all specialty contractors will need to provide proposals to a General Contractor. Because PQ BIDs does not track who will be bidding, if you are a General Contractor that will be bidding this project, please inform EH of your intent to bid, so that your information can be relayed to the specialty contractors bidding their portion. Please contact Senior Project Manager, Trish Horton, with any questions or if you have any issues obtaining the docs from PQ BIDS. 760-803-0826 or thorton@ericksonhall.com |
Erickson-Hall Construction Company would like to invite you to participate in the bidding process for this construction project by utilizing our Construction Project Management Software, “Procore.”
Project Overview: Erickson-Hall is serving as CONSTRUCTION MANAGER for the "New Relocatable Classroom Bldgs - 2 Campuses" project for Hesperia Unified School District to be delivered CM Single-Prime. Project includes new relocatable classroom buildings on wood foundations and metal ramps by Silver Creek Industries at Joshua Circle ES and Mesa Grande ES. There will be pad preparation, existing restroom upgrades, electrical utilities, as well as site improvements which include replacing paving in the path of travel and fencing all by Bid Package Contractor. |
Type: | CM Single Prime, Bid Package No. 04- General Construction |
Bid Date: | 4/10/2025 @ 2:00 PM (Updated per Addendum No. 03) |
Addendum: | Addendum 03 Released 3/27/2025 |
Addendum: | Addendum 02 Released 3/24/2025 |
Addendum: | Addendum 01 Released 3/12/2025 (change was job walk) |
Job Walk: | 3/13/2025 @ 9:00 AM, NON-MANDATORY, starting at Mesa Grande Elementary School (first project site) located at 9172 3rd Ave, Hesperia, CA 92345 and will continue to the other site as appropriate. |
Prequalification Due: | 3/13/2025 |
Prequalification Link: | PQBIDS |
RFI Deadline: | 3/20/2025 @ 5:00 PM to Byanka Nunez, bnunez@ericksonhall.com |
Contact: | Byanka M. Nunez |
Email: | bnunez@ericksonhall.com and jcasanova@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Documents: | Bid Documents can be obtained by gaining access to Procore. Please email request for bid documents to bnunez@ericksonhall.com copy jcasanova@ericksonhall.com. A link will be provided within 48 hours of your request. bnunez@ericksonhall.com and jcasanova@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Submission: | Bids are to be submitted directly to Hesperia Unified School District located at 15576 Main St, Hesperia, CA 92345 |
Scope of work to include: Construction of a new two-story classroom building and related site work at Grant ES in Santa Monica. EHCC has two projects bidding simultaneously for Grant ES: this project and the Grant Library Renovation. This project includes a Project Labor Agreement (PLA), while the Library Renovation does not. |
Job Specific Information: | This project requires Prevailing Wage, Skilled & Trained Workforce, & PLA This project requires Prequalification due by 4/8/2025 through http://www.qualitybidders.com Public Contract Code 20111.6 requires the district to pre-qualify for certain projects. PCC 20111.6 applies to prime contractors and M/E/P sub-contractors with the following licenses: • General Contractors (A and B) • Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing subcontractors (C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 and C-46). |
Location: | 2368 Pearl St, Santa Monica, CA 90405 |
Type: | Lease-Leaseback |
Bid Date: | 4/22/2025 @ 2:00 PM |
Job Walk: | 3/28/2025 @ 7:00 AM, Meet at our job trailer on the south end of the playground. |
Prequalification Due: | 4/8/2025 |
Prequalification Link: | Quality Bidders |
RFI Deadline: | 4/7/2025 |
Contact: | Travis Miinch |
Email: | travismiinch@ericksonhall.com |
To Obtain Bid Docs: | planroom@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Submission: | bids@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Documents: | Bid Documents can be obtained from visiting our BuildingConnected Portal or by contacting planroom@ericksonhall.com. Please submit all bids via BuildingConnected and by emailing them to bids@ericksonhall.com. BuildingConnected |
Scope of work to include: Scope of work includes the complete renovation of an existing classroom building into a new library at Grant ES in Santa Monica, along with renovations to the historic landscaped courtyard. EHCC has two projects bidding simultaneously for Grant ES: this project and the Grant ES New Classroom Building. The New Classroom Building project includes a Project Labor Agreement (PLA), while this project (Library Renovation) does NOT. |
Job Specific Information: | This project requires Prevailing Wage, Skilled & Trained Workforce This project requires Prequalification due by 4/10/2025 through http://www.qualitybidders.com Public Contract Code 20111.6 requires the district to pre-qualify for certain projects. PCC 20111.6 applies to prime contractors and M/E/P sub-contractors with the following licenses: • General Contractors (A and B) • Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing subcontractors (C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 and C-46). |
Location: | 2368 Pearl St, Santa Monica, CA 90405 |
Type: | Lease-Leaseback |
Bid Date: | 4/24/2025 @ 2:00 PM |
Job Walk: | 3/28/2025 @ 7:00 AM, Meet at our job trailer on the south end of the playground. |
Prequalification Due: | 4/10/2025 |
Prequalification Link: | Quality Bidders |
RFI Deadline: | 4/7/2025 |
Contact: | Nick Verdis |
Email: | nverdis@ericksonhall.com |
To Obtain Bid Docs: | planroom@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Submission: | bids@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Documents: | Bid Documents can be obtained from visiting our BuildingConnected Portal or by contacting planroom@ericksonhall.com. Please submit all bids via BuildingConnected and by emailing them to bids@ericksonhall.com. BuildingConnected |
Erickson-Hall Construction Company would like to invite you to participate in the bidding process for this construction project by utilizing our Construction Project Management Software, “Procore.”
Project Overview: Bid No. 24/25-011 Bid No. 24/25-011 BP is as follows. BP1 – General Construction. Erickson-Hall is serving as the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER for “Juniper ES Bldg 400 Mod & Relocatable Classroom Bldgs” project for Hesperia Unified School District. Project includes new restroom building on concrete foundations, relocatable classroom buildings on wood foundations, and metal ramps by Silver Creek Industries. Associated site and pad preparation, utilities, as well as site improvements which include replacing paving in the path of travel, fencing, and shade structure all by the Bid Package Contractor. Project also includes modernization of Building 400 which will also be done by the Bid Package Contractor. |
Type: | CM Single Prime, Bid Package No. 01- General Construction |
Bid Date: | 4/24/2025 @ 2:00 PM |
Job Walk: | 4/9/2025 @ 9:00 AM, NON-MANDATORY, at Juniper ES Elementary School located at 9400 I Ave, Hesperia, CA 92345. |
Prequalification Due: | 4/10/2025 |
Prequalification Link: | PQBIDS |
RFI Deadline: | 4/17/25 @ 5:00 PM to Byanka Nunez bnunez@ericksonhall.com |
Contact: | Byanka Nunez & Jarrad Casanova |
Email: | bnunez@ericksonhall.com and jcasanova@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Documents: | Bid Documents can be obtained by gaining access to Procore. Please email request for bid documents to bnunez@ericksonhall.com copy jcasanova@ericksonhall.com. A link will be provided within 48 hours of your request. bnunez@ericksonhall.com and jcasanova@ericksonhall.com |
Bid Submission: | Bids are to be submitted directly to Hesperia Unified School District located at 15576 Main St, Hesperia, CA 92345 |