Orange Glen High School Has a New Culinary Arts Facility
Culinary art classes are not new to Orange Glen High School, but what is new is a state-of-the-arts culinary facility.
The school has a full-integrated kitchen — the kind that hotels and restaurants use.
“This will give them the experience that they will be using in the food industry with professional equipment,” said Culinary Arts teacher Kristi Sovacool.
She added that students will be better prepared to get culinary internships and jobs once they graduate high school.
Next to the new kitchen and dish-washing station is a classroom where students will take cooking lessons from the instructor.
Each culinary arts class has 40 students, learning everything desserts and pastries to meats and pasta.
It took two years for the construction of this new facility thanks to a $17 million bond that voters passed in 2008.
The money had to go specifically to fine arts programs in the school district.